Advantages of early intervention

Early intervention advantages

You may sense that something is not quite all right with your child’s development. You may notice that they are not speaking well, not looking at you, probably not vocalizing, or even not interested in play as much as other toddlers of their age.

This may be a sign that the child has some developmental delay.

Early intervention helps to detect children with developmental delays. 

What is early intervention?

Early intervention is the term used to refer to a range of services and supports made available to babies and young children and their families in the first few years of their lives for support for developmental delays and


The first three years of a child’s development is critical because babies and toddlers pick up lot of developmental skills during these years.

The first thousand days are the most crucial period in a child’s development. Studies show that in the first 1000 days, each second more than one million neuron connections happen in the child’s brain. This will not occur at any other age.

Here comes the importance of early identification and intervention of any delay in a child.

Generally, we can divide developmental delay into four domains.

1.Gross motor development.

A child raising his head, sitting, walking, and standing comes under this category.

2.Fine motor activities

The hand functions of a child, manipulating a toy or playing with a toy, require hand-eye coordination.

3. Social and adaptive skills

Smiling and interacting with others come under this category.

4. Language development

In language development Verbal communication like calling mom. Telling words and sentences. 

Some common Red flags to notice 

  • Any loss of achieved function 
  • strength difference between left and right side
  • Stiffening body abnormally 

Advantages of early intervention 

Early intervention has many benefits.

The important benefit is that the earlier the identification, the more chances of recovery. Identifying the particular delay will help to focus on that skill.

You can consider a therapist as early.

The other part is what it does for the family families of young children with developmental delays often feel very worried and disappointed 

not knowing what to do. When the child receives early interventions, the family gets More support from communities and schools.

Kids who receive intervention early are going to inclusive environments later, like being part of school settings, communities, and employment they have

chances at more successful relationships and finally leading more successful and happy lives.

They get support from communities and governments. In the form of home visits to support parents, school-based programs to improve children’s emotional skills, and mentoring schemes for young people.

What happens when failed to identify 

Failing to intervene at an early stage can lead to many negative consequences in the future.For example, there’s a link between behavioral problems in childhood and lower qualifications and earnings later in life. 

Poor social and emotional skills as a child will result in academic struggles, poor mental health, and relationship problems as an adult. 

These problems are likely to be more serious and damaging. And it is difficult to address once a person reaches adolescence or adulthood.

Hence early intervention is the most important thing in overcoming development delays. As it has a lifelong effect, the earlier the detection, the earlier will be the cure.

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I have been teaching English and Finnish to children and teenagers of different ages and levels. My passion is Sanskrit, writing and Linguistics. I love everything about foreign languages and writing, reading about them, speaking them, and even writing about them. I have got a Master’s in Linguistics & Translation.

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