Flashcards and clip cards for kindergarten students


In kindergartens, various teaching methods are procedures to make learning fun. Such technics help students to recognize Letters and numbers more easily. One such method is using task cards.

There are different types of task cards. The best examples are flashcards and clip cards. They both are two efficient ways to teach. Let’s discuss in detail about these two methods. 

What are flashcards?

Flashcards are a study technique designed to test the active recall of information. Flash cards help to improve your memory.

So you ask yourself a question and you recall that information every time you do it. You recall it a lot faster next time. 

In higher classes, flashcards composed of a question is on one side and the answer on the other. But in kindergartens, it’s not exactly like that. Big cards are used. Not big questions; simple words are given in flashcards.

For example, one side of the card may be a picture of Dog and on the other side, the name is written. The card is flashed in front of students and they try to recollect the word.

What are Clip Cards?

It’s another type of task card. In this, a card and a few cloth clips are utilized. Its function is easy, asking the kid to clip the clothespins to the requested positions on the card.

The advantage of clip cards is that they can be used in different ways with minimal effort.

For example, a Card with numbers instructs the kid to clip the pins to the position of a specific number. Another such method is that, if a card has the number 3, the kid has to clip three pins into the card. 

Advantages of flash cards and clip cards

Flashcards and clips are supposed to make a fun learning experience in kindergartens. They can Increase the interest in learning to read.

Flashcard is graphic media that promotes the sense of sight.

Flashcard games can create a fun and exciting atmosphere in kindergartens.

Through, the flashcard game method; the child is enhancing their vocabulary. 

Flashcard plays and clip card games make children and children and teachers bond closer. Teacher-student interactions are the fundamental requirement to make learning a fun experience.

The learning model using the modified game method can have a very significant influence on a child’s motor skills so that the learning process is more fun and participatory 

Kids are interested in media that are equipped with various images and have a variety of colors. This is because a combination of pictures and colors makes them not bored fast when using them, which is different from books.

The other benefits include 

  • improving language skills, 
  • Making them able  to create stories, 
  • memorizing, 
  • ability to analyze a problem, 
  • enriching vocabulary. 
  • increase self-confidence, 
  • develop good and effective communication,
  • enhance creativity.

In a study about Flashcards and reading ability of kindergarten students,

The reading ability of children aged 5-6 years in Kindergarten increased after using the flash card method; here found an increase of 70.78% in cycle I, cycle II 88.15%, and Cycle III 95.13%.

Using flashcards and clip cards makes studies more attractive and enjoyable. Hence we should include more of this teaching method in our kindergarten classrooms.

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I have been teaching English and Finnish to children and teenagers of different ages and levels. My passion is Sanskrit, writing and Linguistics. I love everything about foreign languages and writing, reading about them, speaking them, and even writing about them. I have got a Master’s in Linguistics & Translation.

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