Learning difficulties of primary students

Primary Students

Learning disabilities are one of the most common types of disabilities. Approximately 5% of children in the United States have a learning disability. Learning difficulties arise from many factors. Though some students have intellectual, vision, and hearing abilities, they fail to perform well in school curricula and studies. But not all these difficulties are because of learning disabilities – some students struggle in learning because of socio-economic reasons. 

What is a learning disability? 

The term learning disability gained acceptance in the 1960s and 1970s. The federal government defines the term as a specific learning disability with one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in speaking, reading, writing, or doing mathematical calculation disorders. 

Types of learning disabilities: 

  • Perceptual disabilities
  • Executive functioning
  • Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)
  • Non-verbal learning disabilities
  • Brain injuries
  • ADHD
  • Dyspraxia
  • Minimal brain dysfunction
  • Dyslexia
  • Dysgraphia
  • Dyscalculia
  • Developmental aphasia

The term does not include learning problems related to visual, hearing, and motor disabilities or that related to emotional disturbance, mental retardation, or cultural, economic, or environmental disadvantage. Learning disability cannot be cured, it is a lifelong challenge for a person. However, early intervention, proper psychological support, well-thought and structured IEP (Individualized Education Program), and educational materials help students do better at school, college, and university, have a bright career, and be successful in relationships and community.

Reading difficulties

It is the most prevalent and well-recognized type of learning difficulty. It varies from person to person, and the most common feature is word capturing disorder. Unfortunately, nearly 26% of the general school population experience difficulty in reading. Even more concerning is that reading difficulties affect as many as 80% of students with learning difficulties.

Spelling difficulties

One of the most common difficulties that students with learning difficulties have is spelling. It varies from person to person and with age. The cause is the difficulty in remembering and processing words.

Math difficulties

This difficulty is in performing fundamental mathematical functions like addition, subtraction and multiplication. They found difficulty dealing with numbers.

In general, 5–8% of the school population continued to show mathematical difficulties. In the USA, at least 36% of students have difficulty reaching the most basic level of proficiency in Math. 

Remedies for learning difficulties

It is crucial to identify early on whether a child has a learning disability so that they can get the help they need. Early intervention is the most effective approach to overcome learning disabilities.

 There are several ways to identify a learning disability. One way is to have a child take a test that measures their skills in reading, math, and another subject. Another way to identify a learning disability is to have a teacher or parents report that the child has difficulty learning certain school subjects. Various studies show the earlier the detection the more the chances of recovery.

 Primary school teachers and educational resources play the most vital role in the identification of learning difficulties in students.

However, there are significant problems with the US school system in dealing with learning difficulties.

One of the biggest problems with primary schools in the United States is that they are not well-funded. Even though the USA is the number one economy, the percentage of budget allocation for public schools is relatively less. There are many least-funded schools in the country. And many schools had been closed down. It means that they often do not have the resources to provide students with a quality education.

 Another prominent reason is that the percentage of working parents is high in the USA. Working parents are often less attentive to their children than parents who are not working. This difference in attention can have a significant impact on children’s development. Also, it leads to the late identification of learning difficulties. 

 Public schools in the USA are overcrowded. As per research, 14% of US schools have more students than their capacity. The number of students increases and attention to each student declines. Modern society must accommodate all students so that nobody is left behind.

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I have been teaching English and Finnish to children and teenagers of different ages and levels. My passion is Sanskrit, writing and Linguistics. I love everything about foreign languages and writing, reading about them, speaking them, and even writing about them. I have got a Master’s in Linguistics & Translation.

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